Salutations O Great Maya, Who dwells in the Shri Chakra, adored by the Gods. You hold the Conch-shell, the Discus, and the Mace. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
Salutations to Lakshmi riding the Eagle Garuda. You who destroyed the demon Kola, who removes all sins of mind, body, and soul. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all obedience.
You are supreme knowledge, fulfiller of all desires; and the destroyer of all wickedness. You remove all our sorrows. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
Goddess, You provide both Achievement and Intellect. You give liberation or moksha. You are the embodiment of all mantras. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
Without beginning or ending, You are the primordial Energy of cosmic creation. You are the divine fire born of all Yogas, and dawn in the minds of the Yogis. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
You are both the Gross and Subtle manifestation of Rudra, the deadly force of the Creation. You are the Great Energy of the Cosmos, and You eliminate all the greatest pitfalls of progress. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
Seated in the yogic Lotus posture, You take the form of Supreme Brahman, devoid of all attributes. You are the Supreme Wealth of the cosmos, and Mother of all creation. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.
Goddess worshipped in white clothes, symbolizing Sattva qualities; You are adorned with many necklaces and all ornamentations. You are the Cosmic genesis of all time and space, and the Mother of all creation. I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with devotion.
For those of you who read Hinduism Today, there is a Ganesha Puja in the April/May/June 2006 issue. There will be some similarities and differences. Black Lotus, who will be directing the ritual, said, "Bear in mind that HT [Hinduism Today] is run by Shaivas (Shiva worshippers). There are subtle differences between the sort of Pujas Shiva worshippers do, and that Shaktas (Goddess worshippers, like me) do -- even if they are worshipping the same deity."
Puja is frequently accompanied by bell ringing, particularly at the end. However, Lakshmi doesn't like bells, so we'll be blowing a conch shell in her honor. The spiral conch shell is sacred to her, as she rose wet from the primordial ocean.
Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the Preserver of the Hindu pantheon. When with her husband, Lakshmi lets him take all the honors. So at this Puja, which focuses on Lakshmi, we will invoke Lakshmi and Ganesha, the god who is the remover of obstacles. Ganesha is Lakshmi's friend and he allows her to take precedence. We will also invoke Lakshmi's sister, Saraswati, the goddess of creativity and the arts. Lakshmi and Saraswati are rivals, and Lakshmi will stay wherever her sister is, to make sure that she isn't missing any attention.
Eight people will asked to read a short invocation to each of the eight forms of Lakshmi to be invoked during the puja.
For more information about the puja, please write directly to Black Lotus.